oprainfall Week in Gaming: Oct 8 – 14

Monday, October 16th, 2023

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While we here at Operation Rainfall love covering the latest in gaming news and sharing our reviews of titles new and classic, we also just enjoy playing games in our downtime. So with that, sit back, relax, and check out what the oprainfall gaming crew have been up to this week!

Disgaea 7 | Boom!

I started this week in gaming by finishing up some of the post game in Disgaea 7. I still got a bit to go, it’s not too grindy, but I’ve just got a lot on my plate trying to finish up the other couple of games I’m reviewing.

Gears of Dragoon: Fragments of a New Era | Pats

One of those being Gears of Dragoon: Fragments of a New Era from our friends at JAST. This is another great Ninetail game as best I can tell. I love the characters and story. This is one of the best written games I’ve played in quite a while. The dungeon crawling isn’t the deepest, but it’s a lot of fun seeing all the different enemy types and skill effects. I don’t think you’re going to need to fully utilize all of the systems in the game, but I’m having a lot of fun so far. – Steve

Resident Evil 8 | oprainfall gaming

It’s been a while, but I’m back with an update on our Resident Evil Village playthrough! Since the last time I wrote, my sister and I have made it through two more areas and are heading into the fourth. She played through Donna’s house of horrors and holy shit that was terrifying! Donna’s house felt like a return to the Baker household turned up to 11, with an incredibly oppressive atmosphere once we reached the basement. I loved the puzzle solving here and the ramp up of tension with every step. I was expecting something to show up, but can categorically say I did not expect that. Absolutely amazing and I’m glad I wasn’t the one playing. Watching my sister lose her shit while trying to hide and get out of the basement was A++ entertainment. After defeating Donna, I took over and played through Moreau’s area, and I just have to say I love the way each of the lords incorporate different horror tropes. It reminds me of RE6‘s attempt at “horror for everyone” but done competently. Whereas Donna’s section was claustrophobic and disempowering, Moreau’s let me keep my weapon but gave me a beast I couldn’t defeat while traversing its domain. I loved Moreau’s design, and while his arena wasn’t the most inspired, the tension was palpable. It was a different sort of atmosphere than the doll house, and made sure RE8 didn’t begin to feel samey as we tackled each lord.

Resident Evil 8 | oprainfall gaming

We’ve moved on to Heisenberg’s region and my sister is once again the one in control. I like how the lead up to this area feels very Big Damn Hero akin to RE5. We are admittedly overgeared and overstocked, which made facing the hordes of lycan less tense than intended, but that didn’t make the sequence any less fun or exciting. And once we got to the actual factory, the narrow hallways and industrial design ramped the tension back up, despite our firepower. I really like the enemies here, and I think the grimey machinery and crimson lighting really sell how claustrophobic this place is. The location designs throughout all of RE8 have been fantastic, but this one is definitely the highlight so far. I’m excited to see where the story is going once we get to the end of Heisenberg’s area and to finally find out what exactly Mother Miranda has been up to in this secluded European village. – Leah

What games have you been playing this week? Let us know in the comments!

You can read previous Week in Gaming entries here!